Deploy Widgetbook on Pull Requests

A sound design component library can accelerate a team’s development. It aligns everyone with a common design language and uses reusable components. In Flutter, you can create a component library using Widgetbook.

May 7, 2023 · 6 min

Improve iOS Build Times for Flutter

Slow builds, whether locally or in the CI, reduce developer productivity. If you integrated Firestore into your Flutter app, you might have experienced slow build times in your apps. There have been issues that outline the slow build times developers experience when Firestore is added as a dependency: [cloud_firestore] Xcode build extremely slow #349 Adding FirebaseFirestore pod dependency adds minutes to build time #4284 These issues affect the speed of getting out builds to testers and users, and it’s also expensive to pay for macOS CI machines on the cloud....

July 9, 2022 · 2 min