Creating and maintaining your CI/CD workflows in a single config file in smaller projects or teams is still manageable. Circle CI provides a simple syntax in which you can use different environments or executors and write commands and jobs that can be reused in different workflows.

But, if you add more Flutter build flavors and settings, write more kinds of tests, deploy on various app stores like Apple or Google Play Store, or work with a larger team, it’s challenging to write all of these in a single file. I’ve seen some going over a thousand lines!

Before we write in the orb way, let’s see how we set up Flutter’s counter app in CircleCI.

Use CircleCI workflows for Flutter

In Flutter, you need the main workflow that runs on every code change, either for a pull request or commits sent to the main branch. Your main workflow for integration contains setting up the project SDK and downloading package dependencies, checking lint, testing, and building the code.

Create a new Flutter project

I’m using Flutter’s default counter app as an example because it’s simple enough to give you a clear picture of how you can use the techniques you use here in your projects, whether simple or complex.

To create a new Flutter app, run:

flutter create circleci_flutter_demo

Add Circle CI to your Flutter project

Create a folder named .circleci in the project’s root directory:

md .circleci

Create a file named config.yml:

touch .circleci/config.yml

Then, add the following at the topmost part of the file:

  flutter: circleci/flutter@1.1.0
version: 2.1

      - image: 'cimg/android:2022.06'

The orbs is the parameter that contains the reusable packages or orbs we need for our workflows. circleci/flutter is an example of an orb; it includes the basic commands and instructions for your Flutter projects.

The executors are the environments or platforms where our workflows are running.

Next, add the following commands:

    description: >-
      Run lint checks Flutter code base on the rules set on
      - run:
          command: flutter analyze .
          name: Analyze
    description: Builds APK for Android
      - run:
          command: flutter build apk
          name: Build APK
    description: Run checks if Flutter code is formatted
      - run:
          command: >-
            flutter format --set-exit-if-changed . || { echo 'Format check
            failed'; exit 1; }
          name: Analyze
    description: Runs the tests of your Flutter app
      - run:
          command: flutter test
          name: Test

These commands can be reused on different jobs.

Next, add the following jobs:

      FLUTTER_CHANNEL: stable
      FLUTTER_VERSION: 3.0.1
    executor: android
      - checkout
      - flutter/install_sdk_and_pub:
          flutter_version: 3.0.1
      - build-android
      FLUTTER_CHANNEL: stable
      FLUTTER_VERSION: 3.0.1
    executor: android
      - checkout
      - flutter/install_sdk_and_pub:
          flutter_version: 3.0.1
      - format
      - analyze
      - test

Jobs can run in different environments and can be a combination of both inline or reusable commands. Jobs can be reused on different workflows.

Last, add the following workflows:

      - tests
      - build-android:
            - tests

Create your project’s repo on GitHub

Circle CI integrates seamlessly with GitHub and other platforms like Bitbucket. You can commit your local changes and upload your Flutter project to the new Git repository.

Configure project on Circle CI

In your projects dashboard, select the repository of your Flutter project, then click Set Up Project.

You should see a successful workflow run.

The config already ends up having 67 lines of code. Note that this workflow doesn’t include integration tests, iOS builds, and deployment__.__

Let’s write a config file like creating orbs and add more workflow steps.

Write The Orb Way

Orbs in Circle CI are reusable packages shared by other developers to help you speed up project development. You can explore the orbs published here.

To make it manageable for the developer to write an orb, Circle CI provides an orb starter template:

└── src
	├── commands
	├── executors
	├── jobs
	├── workflows
    	└── orb.yml
└── config.yml

The config.yml file here is generated using orb packing. Orb packing is a tool available in the Circle CI local CLI.

it’s the orb way

Prepare the template source directory

The template source directory of your Circle CI configuration makes writing workflows in a human-readable way. Files are isolated and become more manageable in the long run.


In the root of the template source directory, create a file named orb.yml:

version: 2.1
  flutter: circleci/flutter@1.1.0

This is where you add orbs your project uses.

Create commands

Create the following files inside the commands directory:


description: Run lint checks if Flutter code is formatted
  - run:
      name: Analyze
      command: >-
        flutter format --set-exit-if-changed . || { echo 'Lint check failed';
        exit 1; }


description: "Builds APK artifact for Android"
  - run:
      name: "Build APK"
      command: flutter build apk


description: "Run checks if Flutter code is formatted"
  - run:
      name: "Analyze"
      command: |- 
        flutter format --set-exit-if-changed . || { echo 'Format check failed'; exit 1; }


description: "Runs the tests of your Flutter app"
  - run:
      name: "Test"
      command: |-
        flutter test

Create executors

Create the following inside the executors directory:


  - image: cimg/android:2022.06


  xcode: 13.4.1


  - image: cimg/base:stable

Create jobs

Create the following inside the jobs directory:


executor: android
  - checkout
  - flutter/install_sdk_and_pub:
      flutter_version: 3.0.1 
  - format
  - analyze
  - test  


executor: android
  - checkout
  - flutter/install_sdk_and_pub:
      flutter_version: 3.0.1
  - build-android


executor: macos
  - checkout
  - flutter/install_sdk_and_pub:
      flutter_version: 3.0.1
  - flutter/install-pod-ios
  - build-ios

Create workflows

Create the following inside the workflows directory:

  - tests
  - build-android:
        - tests
  - build-ios:
        - tests

Pack the source directory

To generate the config.yml file, you’ll need first to install the Circle CI local CLI tool.

For macOS with Brew:

brew install circleci

For Windows with Chocolatey:

choco install circleci-cli -y

See local CLI guide.

Next, pack the source directory:

cd .circleci && circleci config pack src > config.yml

Last, validate the configuration:

circleci config validate

If you’re using GNU Make, you can add this rule:

.PHONY: pack
	circleci -h >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Install the circleci cli with brew install"; }
	cd .circleci && circleci config pack src > config.yml
	circleci config validate

Now, you can pack your source directory like this:

make pack

Read how you can use GNU Make for Flutter projects.

Furthermore, you can also create shell scripts or bat executables.

See the demo project here.

It’s a wrap!

Writing your workflows Circle CI is made human-readable with orb packing. Your workflow configuration is split up into different files, which means fewer merge conflicts, files have specific responsibilities, and each has fewer lines of code.

There are other concepts like reusable config wherein you set parameters and reuse blocks of commands. The reusable config feature compliments the orb packing, making your workflows more manageable.

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